is a non-commercial website for surfers in Scheveningen. It shows weather and tide information in Scheveningen.
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Above is the 6-day weather forecast from Windy.
Click on the units in the legend to change the units (Celsius - Fahrenheit; millimeter - inch; knots - beaufort - meter/second - miles/hour - kilometer/hour)
The forecast model is Arome for a location at sea in front of Scheveningen, with the coordinates shown on the right.
Above are todays observations and the 2-day weather forecast. If less days are shown, then you can scroll or swipe left and right.
The top two graphs show the observations from Meteotoren, which is located at the Zwarte Pad in the north of Scheveningen.
Wind is the 10 minute average wind speed (knots) and direction (degrees).
Gust is the maximum wind speed in the 10 minutes interval. No gust direction is given.
Behind the observations are the HARMONIE model forecasts from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute KNMI.
The bottom graph shows the actual tide measurement at Scheveningen Harbor.
The tide forecasts have been modelled by RWS using the HARMONIE wind forecast.
Due to this weather correction the High and Low tide times can be shifted compared to the astronomical High and Low tide times presented at most websites.
The bottom graph has a fixed vertical scale for the tide (-200 cm to + 200cm) so that excessive tides go off-scale.
Click on any legend item to hide or show the graphs
Click on CLICK for Beaufort scale to change the vertical scale to Beaufort.
Click in a graph to show the data at that timepoint.
Please be patient. The RWS data originate from many different files, and take some time to load.
Above is the 2 day wave forecast model EWAM at Scheveningen by WindGuru.
The top three rows show the total forecasted wave height, wave period and wave direction.
The total wave height is the composition of the swell and the wind waves.
The middle three rows show the height, period and direction for the main swell component.
The bottom three rows show the wave height, period and direction component due to the wind.
Click on the legend to show or hide the legend.
Click on the arrow in the legend to change the units to degrees.
Click on (m) in the legend toggle the unit between meter and feet.
Click on the date and time bar to toggle the intervals between hourly, 2 hours or 3 hours.
Above are the rain and lightning radar measurements by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute KNMI Buienradar.
Rain is represented by white (light rain), blue (moderate rain) and purple (heavy rain) pixels.
Lightning is represented by a yellow lightning symbol in a red circle.
The black and yellow box shows the location of Scheveningen.
The time is cycled with 5 minute intervals over the last hour. A yellow time progress bar is shown on the top.